Directs HHS to retain IOM for the purpose of conducting a Conference on Pain by March 23, 2011. Calls for a report summarizing the Conference’s findings and any accompanying recommendations by June 30, 2011. Authorizes (but does not appropriate) such sums as may be necessary to conduct the Conference and associated activities for FYs 2010-2011.
Provides that the NIH may build on its clinical research on pain causes and treatments, with annual recommendations required of the NIH toward this end. Directs the Secretary to establish by March 23, 2011 an Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC) to manage the federal government relating to pain research (with the ability of the Secretary to review the necessity of the Committee at least once every two years). Furthermore amends the PHSA to establish a program for education and training in pain care, authorizing (but does not appropriate) such sums as may be necessary for each of FYs 2010-2012.