As revised by section 10401(c) of the Senate Manager’s Amendment, directs HHS to organize a national public-private partnership to conduct an outreach and education campaign focused on raising public awareness of health prevention and promotion goals. Directs the CDC to implement the national science-based media campaign on health promotion and disease prevention by March 23, 2011.
Among other things, the campaign is to disseminate information that explains the preventive services covered by QHPs in the Exchange. Stipulates consultation with the IOM in undertaking the campaign. Calls for an independent evaluation (and corresponding report to Congress) of the campaign efforts at least every two years.
Directs HHS to consult with the private sector in developing a website that provides science-based information to health care providers and consumers. Also directs CDC to provide for the development and operation of a website that provides for personalized prevention plan tools, and directs HHS broadly to establish a web portal for accessing risk-assessment tools.
Directs HHS to provide guidance to states and providers on Medicaid-covered preventive and obesity-related services, further specifying that states design public awareness campaigns to educate Medicaid enrollees about the availability and coverage of such services. Furthermore directs HHS to report to Congress by January 1, 2011, and every 3 years thereafter through January 1, 2017, on meeting its responsibilities under this provision to educate states, health care providers, and Medicaid beneficiaries about preventive and obesity-related services.
Authorizes (but does not appropriate) such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. Earlier passage specifies that funding for the education and outreach campaign take priority over funding provided through the CDC for grants to states and other entities for similar purposes and goals, and that not more than $500 million be expended on the campaign and its associated activities.