Added by section 10201 of the Manager’s Amendment. Requires GAO to deliver a report to Congress by 3/21/12 regarding any causes of action that may have been created by the ACA.
Improving health is our policy
Added by section 10201 of the Manager’s Amendment. Requires GAO to deliver a report to Congress by 3/21/12 regarding any causes of action that may have been created by the ACA.
SEC. 3512. GAO STUDY AND REPORT ON CAUSES OF ACTION. øSection added by section 10201(j)¿ (a) STUDY.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a study of whether the development, recognition, or implementation of any guideline or other standards under a provision described in paragraph (2) would result in the establishment of a new cause of action or claim. (2) PROVISIONS DESCRIBED.—The provisions described in this paragraph include the following: (A) Section 2701 (adult health quality measures). (B) Section 2702 (payment adjustments for health care acquired conditions). (C) Section 3001 (Hospital Value-Based Purchase Program). (D) Section 3002 (improvements to the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative). (E) Section 3003 (improvements to the Physician Feedback Program). (F) Section 3007 (value based payment modifier under physician fee schedule). (G) Section 3008 (payment adjustment for conditions acquired in hospitals). (H) Section 3013 (quality measure development). (I) Section 3014 (quality measurement). (J) Section 3021 (Establishment of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation). (K) Section 3025 (hospital readmission reduction program). (L) Section 3501 (health care delivery system research, quality improvement). (M) Section 4003 (Task Force on Clinical and Preventive Services). (N) Section 4301 (research to optimize deliver of public health services). (b) REPORT.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress, a report containing the findings made by the Comptroller General under the study under subsection (a).
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