As revised by section 10501(a) of the Senate Manager’s Amendment, directs the Comptroller General to establish a 15-member National Health Care Workforce Commission (“Commission”) by September 30, 2010. The Commission’s purpose is to, among other responsibilities, improve the coordination of health care workforce-related activities across federal departments and to make recommendations to the Congress and the Administration regarding national health care workforce priorities, goals, and policies. Specifies requisite stakeholder inclusion, including provider and non-provider composition. Commission terms are for three-year appointments. Specifies the dates by which the Commission must report to the Congress on the results of its reviews and recommendations, namely – by October 1 of each year (beginning in 2011) and April 1 of each year (beginning in 2011). Sets forth the specific topics to be reviewed by the Commission, in addition to requiring an emphasis on “high priority topics,” such as: integrated health care workforce planning; and education and training capacity for various sectors (e.g., mental and behavioral health care). Furthermore requires coordination with various other federal, state, and local commissions, including MedPAC and MACPAC.