Implementation Status
The “National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care” was delivered to Congress in March 2011. HHS established a webpage devoted to the National Strategy under AHRQ and another website under the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) devoted to tracking healthcare system-wide quality data.
On August 27, 2013, SAMHSA issued a DRAFT National Behavioral Health Quality Framework (NBHQF) (available here) intended to “examine and prioritize quality prevention, treatment, and recovery elements at the payer/system/plan, provider/practitioner, and patient/population levels. The NBHQF framework is aligned with the broader goals of the National Quality Strategy (NQS) developed by HHS pursuant to the ACA. To provide comments to SAMHSA on the NBHQF, please see here. Feedback is requested by September 17 in order to inform the agency’s ongoing development of the plan.
On October 22, AHRQ announced the availability of an updated National Quality Strategy toolkit, which provides briefing slides, fact sheets, etc. explaining the National Quality Strategy.
On November 18, 2013, CMS issued a draft quality strategy on which it solicited public comment through January 10, 2014.
On May 7, CMS released a Physician Quality Reporting Programs Strategic Vision which describes a “long-term vision for CMS quality measurement for physicians, professionals, and public reporting programs, and how they can be optimized and aligned to support better decision-making from doctors, consumers, and every part of the healthcare system.”
On Sep. 3 2015 HHS announced it received a report, prepared by a contractor, that makes “recommendations on an integrated national strategy and priorities for health care performance measurement in all applicable settings.
Statutory Text
SEC. 3011. NATIONAL STRATEGY. Title III of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 241 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘PART S—HEALTH CARE QUALITY PROGRAMS ‘‘Subpart I—National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care ‘‘SEC. 399HH ø42 U.S.C. 280j¿. NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN HEALTH CARE. ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL STRATEGY AND PRIORITIES.— ‘‘(1) NATIONAL STRATEGY.—The Secretary, through a transparent collaborative process, shall establish a national strategy to improve the delivery of health care services, patient health outcomes, and population health. ‘‘(2) IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITIES.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall identify national priorities for improvement in developing the strategy under paragraph (1). ‘‘(B) REQUIREMENTS.—The Secretary shall ensure that priorities identified under subparagraph (A) will— ‘‘(i) have the greatest potential for improving the health outcomes, efficiency, and patient-centeredness of health care for all populations, including children and vulnerable populations; ‘‘(ii) identify areas in the delivery of health care services that have the potential for rapid improvement in the quality and efficiency of patient care; ‘‘(iii) address gaps in quality, efficiency, comparative effectiveness information (taking into consideration the limitations set forth in subsections (c) and (d) of section 1182 of the Social Security Act), and health outcomes measures and data aggregation techniques; øAs revised by section 10302¿ ‘‘(iv) improve Federal payment policy to emphasize quality and efficiency; ‘‘(v) enhance the use of health care data to improve quality, efficiency, transparency, and outcomes; ‘‘(vi) address the health care provided to patients with high-cost chronic diseases; ‘‘(vii) improve research and dissemination of strategies and best practices to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors, preventable admissions and readmissions, and health care-associated infections; ‘‘(viii) reduce health disparities across health disparity populations (as defined in section 485E) and geographic areas; and ‘‘(ix) address other areas as determined appropriate by the Secretary. ‘‘(C) CONSIDERATIONS.—In identifying priorities under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall take into consideration the recommendations submitted by the entity with a contract under section 1890(a) of the Social Security Act and other stakeholders. ‘‘(D) COORDINATION WITH STATE AGENCIES.—The Secretary shall collaborate, coordinate, and consult with State agencies responsible for administering the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act and the Children’s Health Insurance Program under title XXI of such Act with respect to developing and disseminating strategies, goals, models, and timetables that are consistent with the national priorities identified under subparagraph (A). ‘‘(b) STRATEGIC PLAN.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The national strategy shall include a comprehensive strategic plan to achieve the priorities described in subsection (a). ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS.—The strategic plan shall include provisions for addressing, at a minimum, the following: ‘‘(A) Coordination among agencies within the Department, which shall include steps to minimize duplication of efforts and utilization of common quality measures, where available. Such common quality measures shall be measures identified by the Secretary under section 1139A or 1139B of the Social Security Act or endorsed under section 1890 of such Act. ‘‘(B) Agency-specific strategic plans to achieve national priorities. ‘‘(C) Establishment of annual benchmarks for each relevant agency to achieve national priorities. ‘‘(D) A process for regular reporting by the agencies to the Secretary on the implementation of the strategic plan. ‘‘(E) Strategies to align public and private payers with regard to quality and patient safety efforts. ‘‘(F) Incorporating quality improvement and measurement in the strategic plan for health information technology required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111–5). ‘‘(c) PERIODIC UPDATE OF NATIONAL STRATEGY.—The Secretary shall update the national strategy not less than annually. Any such update shall include a review of short- and long-term goals. ‘‘(d) SUBMISSION AND AVAILABILITY OF NATIONAL STRATEGY AND UPDATES.— ‘‘(1) DEADLINE FOR INITIAL SUBMISSION OF NATIONAL STRATEGY.—Not later than January 1, 2011, the Secretary shall submit to the relevant committees of Congress the national strategy described in subsection (a). ‘‘(2) UPDATES.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall submit to the relevant committees of Congress an annual update to the strategy described in paragraph (1). ‘‘(B) INFORMATION SUBMITTED.—Each update submitted under subparagraph (A) shall include— ‘‘(i) a review of the short- and long-term goals of the national strategy and any gaps in such strategy; ‘‘(ii) an analysis of the progress, or lack of progress, in meeting such goals and any barriers to such progress; ‘‘(iii) the information reported under section 1139A of the Social Security Act, consistent with the reporting requirements of such section; and ‘‘(iv) in the case of an update required to be submitted on or after January 1, 2014, the information reported under section 1139B(b)(4) of the Social Security Act, consistent with the reporting requirements of such section. ‘‘(C) SATISFACTION OF OTHER REPORTING REQUIRE- MENTS.—Compliance with the requirements of clauses (iii) and (iv) of subparagraph (B) shall satisfy the reporting requirements under sections 1139A(a)(6) and 1139B(b)(4), respectively, of the Social Security Act. ‘‘(e) HEALTH CARE QUALITY INTERNET WEBSITE.—Not later than January 1, 2011, the Secretary shall create an Internet website to make public information regarding— ‘‘(1) the national priorities for health care quality improvement established under subsection (a)(2); ‘‘(2) the agency-specific strategic plans for health care quality described in subsection (b)(2)(B); and ‘‘(3) other information, as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.’’.