Stipulates a number of additions to the Nursing Home Compare website, including: staffing data; links to state Internet websites with information regarding state survey and certification programs; standardized complaint forms; summary information on the number, type, severity, and outcome of substantiated complaints; and the number of adjudicated instances of criminal violations by a facility or the employees of a facility. With certain exceptions, provides that such information be included on the Nursing Home Compare website by March 23, 2011. Calls for review and modification of the site as well as delineates the manner in which the information ought to be reported to the Secretary (with applicable deadlines). Requires SNFs and NFs (under Medicare and Medicaid, respectively) to make available survey, certification, and complaint investigation reports over the preceding three years. Stipulates requirements relative to guidance to states on Form 2567 state inspection reports and calls for the development (by March 23, 2012) of a consumer rights information page on the Nursing Home
Compare website.