Specifies new requirements of restaurants, retail food establishments, and vending machines. With certain limited exceptions, stipulates that restaurants or similar retail food establishments that are part of a 20+ location chain doing business under the same name (regardless of differences in ownership at the locations) disclose certain nutrient content information (e.g., number of calories) for each standard menu item. Delineates the information that these entities must make available to consumers and the manner in which it must be disclosed (e.g., in written form available on the premises and prominently displayed on the menu or menu board).
These requirements generally apply to self-service food (e.g., buffets and salad bars) and food on display to such entities. Directs the Secretary to develop regulations pertaining to the disclosure of nutrient content with respect to menu variability and combination meals, and authorizes the Secretary to require, by regulation, additional nutrient disclosure information as appropriate. With respect to vending machines owned or operated by individuals with 20 or more vending machines, requires that vending machine operators prominently display a sign in close proximity to each food item the respective caloric information. Provides a process whereby other retail food establishments or vending machines (to which the requirements would normally not apply) may voluntarily elect to provide such nutrition information, with details about such process to be determined by the Secretary via notice in the Federal Register by July 23, 2010. Directs the Secretary to issue proposed regulations to carry out these requirements by March 23, 2011. Also stipulates quarterly reporting requirements of the Secretary to select Congressional committees regarding the Administration’s progress toward issuing final regulations in this vein.