Specifies that a health benefits plan or PBM that manages prescription drug coverage under a contract with a PDP or MA-PD under Medicare Part D or with a QHP under the Exchange provide stipulated information to the Secretary of HHS. Specifically, such information must include: the generic dispensing rate (by pharmacy type); the aggregate amount, and the type of rebates, discounts, or price concessions (excluding bona fide service fees) that are attributable to patient utilization and those that are passed on to the plan sponsor, and the total number of prescriptions that were dispensed; and the difference between the amount the health benefits plan pays the PBM and the amount that the PBM pays retail pharmacies, and mail order pharmacies, and the total number of prescriptions that were dispensed. Provides for the confidential treatment of such information disclosed by the health benefits plan or PBM to HHS, with certain exceptions. Stipulates the application of penalties to a health benefits plan that fails to comply with this requirement.