Requires individual and group health plans to cover preventive services without cost sharing if they:
- Have a current “A” or “B” rating from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force;
- Are immunizations recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices;
- Are certain infant, children, and adolescent services recommended by HRSA; or
- Are certain additional women’s services recommended by HRSA.
Establishes a 1-year minimum interval between the issuance of a recommendation or guideline and the plan year when it takes effect for first-dollar coverage purposes.
On Mar. 31, in draft recommendations on which comments were due on Apr. 27, the USPSTF found insufficient evidence to recommend screening and supplementation for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, as well as screening in children ages 6-24 months. Additionally:
On April 13, HRSA announced a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children, which makes recommendations affecting the agency’s comprehensive guidelines for first-dollar health plan coverage.
On April 23, the USPSTF issued a final research plan on screening for thyroid cancer.
On April 23, in draft recommendations (summary), the Task Force gave a “B” rating to screening mammograms for women ages 50-74, which would carry first-dollar preventive service coverage requirements under the ACA in final form. Mammograms for women ages 40-49 receive a draft “C” rating, with USPSTF saying the “decision to start screening mammography in women before age 50 years should be an individual one.” A draft “I” rating, denoting insufficient evidence to assess risks and benefits, is included for screening mammography among women ages 75 plus; 3D mammography; and further screening (beyond mammography) in women with dense breasts. Comments are due on May 18.