Amended by section 10106 of the Senate Manager’s Amendment and section 1002 of HCERA. For employers with at least 50 full-time employees that do not offer qualifying coverage, if at least one full-time employee qualifies for premium tax credits to purchase insurance in an exchange, the employer must pay a penalty of $2000 for each of all of their full-time employees (with the first 30 employees exempted from the calculation).
For employers with 50+ employees who do offer coverage but still have at least one employee who qualifies for a premium tax credit (due to inadequacy or unaffordability of the employer’s benefit), the employer must pay the lesser of $3000 for each employee receiving the credit or $2000 for each of all of their full-time employees (with, again, the first 30 employees exempted).
Requires the Department of Labor to furnish a study regarding whether employee wages are reduced as a result of the penalty payments made under the employer mandate.