Requires an HHS study on the plausibility and implications of adjusting the application of the Federal poverty level under this subtitle for different geographic areas to reflect variations in the cost of living. Due January 1, 2013.
Improving health is our policy
Requires an HHS study on the plausibility and implications of adjusting the application of the Federal poverty level under this subtitle for different geographic areas to reflect variations in the cost of living. Due January 1, 2013.
SEC. 1416. STUDY OF GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN APPLICATION OF FPL. [Section added by section 10105(f)] (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall conduct a study to examine the feasibility and implication of adjusting the application of the Federal poverty level under this subtitle (and the amendments made by this subtitle) for different geographic areas so as to reflect the variations in cost-of-living among different areas within the United States. If the Secretary determines that an adjustment is feasible, the study should include a methodology to make such an adjustment. Not later than January 1, 2013, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on such study and shall include such recommendations as the Secretary determines appropriate. (b) INCLUSION OF TERRITORIES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ensure that the study under subsection (a) covers the territories of the United States and that special attention is paid to the disparity that exists among poverty levels and the cost of living in such territories and to the impact of such disparity on efforts to expand health coverage and ensure health care.
(2) TERRITORIES DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘territories of the United States’’ includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States.
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