Implementation Status
On November 19, 2010, CMS released a Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters article describing the systems changes necessary to implement this provision. This provision was implemented in the FY11 Medicare Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System Final Rule.
Statutory Text
SEC. 3128. TECHNICAL CORRECTION RELATED TO CRITICAL ACCESS HOSPITAL SERVICES. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsections (g)(2)(A) and (l)(8) of section 1834 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m) are each amended by inserting ‘‘101 percent of’’ before ‘‘the reasonable costs’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of section 405(a) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108–173; 117 Stat. 2266).