Effective March 23, 2012, requires any federally facilitated health care or public health program, activity, or survey (including Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP) to collect and report on certain demographic data to inform areas of health disparities, including as such information pertains to rural underserved populations (e.g., frontier populations).
Delineates certain collection and data management standards, as well as requires data analysis to ascertain and monitor trends in health disparities at the federal and state levels. Directs Secretary of HHS to make these data analyses available to various agencies within HHS. Stipulates certain data privacy protections and other safeguards, including HHS consultation with other relevant federal departments.
Calls for an evaluative report to Congress by September 23, 2011, which must include recommendations on the most effective approaches to reporting HEDIS quality measures. Directs the Secretary to, not later than March 23, 2014 and every four years thereafter, report to Congress on the Medicaid and CHIP data analyses conducted in accordance with this provision. Requires HHS to, not later than March 23, 2012, implement the approaches identified in the initial evaluative report to Congress referenced above. Authorizes (but does not appropriate) such sums as may be necessary for each of FYs 2010-2014.