Revises the PHSA authorizing language pertaining to loan repayment and scholarship programs to include nurse faculty in an accredited school of nursing.
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Revises the PHSA authorizing language pertaining to loan repayment and scholarship programs to include nurse faculty in an accredited school of nursing.
Prior to January 2013, it appears that revisions to the qualification language have been effectuated by HRSA as evidenced, at least in part, via the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program (see here).
SEC. 5310. LOAN REPAYMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. (a) LOAN REPAYMENTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS.—Section 846(a)(3) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 297n(a)(3)) is amended by inserting before the semicolon the following: ‘‘, or in a accredited school of nursing, as defined by section 801(2), as nurse faculty’’. (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Title VIII (42 U.S.C. 296 et seq.) is amended— (1) by redesignating section 810 (relating to prohibition against discrimination by schools on the basis of sex) as section 809 and moving such section so that it follows section 808; (2) in sections 835, 836, 838, 840, and 842, by striking the term ‘‘this subpart’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘this part’’; (3) in section 836(h), by striking the last sentence; (4) in section 836, by redesignating subsection (l) as subsection (k); (5) in section 839, by striking ‘‘839’’ and all that follows through ‘‘(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘839. (a)’’; (6) in section 835(b), by striking ‘‘841’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘871’’; (7) by redesignating section 841 as section 871, moving part F to the end of the title, and redesignating such part as part I; (8) in part G— (A) by redesignating section 845 as section 851; and (B) by redesignating part G as part F; (9) in part H— (A) by redesignating sections 851 and 852 as sections 861 and 862, respectively; and (B) by redesignating part H as part G; and (10) in part I— (A) by redesignating section 855, as amended by section 5305, as section 865; and (B) by redesignating part I as part H.
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